From the Mayor’s Desk: Ask the Mayor (with Mayor Carolyn Goodman)

From the Mayor’s Desk: Ask the Mayor (with Mayor Carolyn Goodman)

Q: What do you think about the XTrain that is coming to Las Vegas? How might this affect tourists and/or locals of Las Vegas?

A: We need high-speed rail to service Las Vegas, and I’m supportive of projects that would make this a reality. Highspeed rail from California to Las Vegas would provide another way for visitors to get to Las Vegas, and we are always looking to add convenience and give travelers choices.

Q: Spring has sprung, and Vegas is promoting all kinds of fun events! What are your thoughts on the “UNLVino 2014” event celebrating its 39th year of wine tasting?

A: Las Vegas is a city full of great events. I remember when UNLVino was just getting started and it has continued to grow to really become one of the university’s (and the city’s) signature events. It draws an enormous crowd year
after year, and provides wine aficionados with a lovely selection to taste.

Q: May is synonymous with Mother’s Day, and our readers would like to know: what are some of your favorite family memories of Mother’s Day? How do you like to spend that day?

A: I like to start my Mother’s Day with breakfast in bed, maybe some strawberries and a cup of coffee, something simple that Oscar can handle. I try not to work or spend time cooking or cleaning. In the afternoon I want the
entire family to come over so we can spend time together. Later on, Oscar takes us all out to dinner, because you shouldn’t have to cook on Mother’s Day.

Q: Many readers use Spring (and the changing of seasons) to clean up their homes, fulfill New Year’s resolutions, and organize their lives. Do you practice any positive Spring traditions?

A: Spring cleaning is absolutely a tradition in my home. I have to have a special system because my husband is a bit of a pack rat. He has stuff all over the place, even old notes he took on the inside of matchbooks. Inevitably he will ask me where something is if I move it, so I have a kind of weigh station out in the garage. I move stuff out there and then if he doesn’t ask about it after a little while, out it goes.


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