MyVegas Magazine maintains a stringent refund policy to ensure clarity and fairness in all transactions. All payments made to MyVegas Magazine are non-refundable once processed, as per your contract and agreement.  Any request for a refund must be submitted within 48 hours of the initial transaction and will be subject to approval by the company attorney. This process ensures that each request is carefully reviewed for validity and compliance with our policies. If a refund request is approved, the requester will receive confirmation via email. It is important to note that MyVegas Magazine reserves the right to deny any refund request that does not meet the specified criteria or violates the terms and conditions outlined in our refund policy. We strive to uphold transparency and fairness in all our dealings with customers, and our refund policy is designed to reflect these principles while protecting the interests of our publication and its subscribers.

Please complete the form below to submit your refund request.