Ask The Mayor

Ask the Mayor

Q:  Where do you foresee the economy being a year from now here in Las Vegas?

A:  We are so pleased to see a continuing, steady recovery from the great recession, and I think a year from now we will be witness to big plans that are being formulated for all of southern Nevada and in particular in the City.  Already new homes and large developments like Skye Canyon are under construction putting our people back to work and much needed employment.  Also major infrastructure construction projects like Project Neon are taking place, roadways are being repaired and sidewalks being widened around and in the City core.  By continuing to work together and helping our small businesses stabilize and grow, enticing new investment, much will be accomplished.  In the downtown area specifically the Las Vegas Club has been purchased and plans for its future are exciting; the Supreme Court building will open; Eclipse Theatres, also – and so too, we will look to add major projects in Symphony Park, develop the Las Vegas Medical District and watch the boom in Northwest Las Vegas.

Q:  With the recent land acquisition downtown by Derek and Greg Stevens, what would you hope to see take place within the upcoming development.

A:  Speaking of the purchase of the Las Vegas Club, the Stevens family has done an incredible job of helping to rebuild the vitality of downtown from their first days.  The opening of the Las Vegas Entertainment Center (the site of the old Clark County Court House), the purchase of the Bridger building adjacent and south—I expect the same from them going forward with these new acquisitions.  Everything they have touched downtown from The D to the Golden Gate to the Downtown Events Center has proven to bring great success.  Their latest acquisitions give them a lot of frontage on Fremont Street, and I’m expecting more of the spectacular!

Q:  Nevada advocates are pushing for affordable child care.  Nevada ranks in the top 10 least affordable states for infant and child care.  Do you think this next year holds promising and affordable health care for our children?  What are some ways we can help improve this?

A:  Healthcare for children and all our residents and visitors is something that we have to ensure is available and must be held to the highest standards.  The city of Las Vegas works with partners in the Las Vegas Medical District to ensure that we continue to focus on developing a top medical destination.  This past year we have seen some exciting progress in the LVMD with the approval of the Master Plan for the area, and we can now see what needs to be done to pull the pieces together.  We have created a home for the UNLV Medical School and are working hard to bring development the area bringing in new businesses and attracting major developers.

Along with this, we remain determined to attract and retain the finest physicians to be a part of our community.  I’m pleased that the conversations on a needed increase in medical reimbursement rates have continued, but it is now time for action.  If we do not gain these rate increases, we risk losing our top doctors to other states offering a higher rate.  We remain committed to supporting and continuing the excellent work already occurring and enhancing that work to be on par with medical care in other major cities.

Q:  It isn’t news that Nevada has been going through a serious drought over the years.  Do you foresee any changes happening?  Can you give any suggestions for local Las Vegas readers to help conserve water besides not washing our cars in the street, or quicker showers this summer?

A:  When my husband speaks at events and the weather is good he always takes credit for it, but he has not been able to make it snow on the Western side of the Rockies.  We just have to hope that we get that precipitation and work as hard as we can, individual by individual, to do our parts to conserve this precious commodity in the meantime.  Those looking for tips should visit the Southern Nevada Water Authority website at but realize that each one of us being a responsible member of the community can make a difference!


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