Silver Springs Water is changing the way we think about bottled water. Silver Springs Water, based in Las Vegas, NV has a
new spin on the way water is purified, filtered and processed. Using a technology not available a few years ago to drinking
water; Silver Springs Water has obtained the secret of processing a water with a high pH level and negative ions. Our new
product Planet Ion will revolutionize the market.
Felicia Drury Climent, author of “The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet” says this about drinking alkaline water, “After years of very
positive continuous clinical experiment that I am conducting with hundreds of clients using electronically restructured alkaline
water, it is my opinion this technology will change the way in which all health providers and the public will approach their health in
the coming years. My suggestion is to drink restructured alkaline water whenever possible.”
Many scientist, doctors and nutritionists agree this form of filtration is simply a better and healthier way to ingest water. Negative
ionization, in simple terms is the separation of water molecules. Basically when water is filtered or processed, it is striped of valuable
(-) ions which allows the water molecules to clump together. After the process of separating the water molecules after filtration, the
human body can easily absorb the water.
Tony Robbins, lifestyle coach and author of “Awaken the Giant Within” says “Alkalize your body and live a healthier, more energized
and enjoy a more fulfilling life. Our acid-alkaline balance is a baseline determinant of our physical health. When you break your old
eating patterns, you will find yourself getting back to the real you, filled with a vitality and energy that you deserve and desire.”
In the new way of processing our Planet Ion water, it allows the toxins and crud that builds up around the human cell to release.
Because the body is able to fully absorb the water molecules in the state, you won’t feel bloated after drinking a lot of water. Instead,
a higher level of hydration is achieved. The pH level of this water ranges from 8.5 – 9.0 at the time of bottling.
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